
Now in its seventh edition, Linux in easy steps explains the Linux environment and how to get more out of this stable, as well as free, operating system. You’ll be able to download, install and customize Linux, and master the desktop, in no time. Then, explore the key Linux apps, including:

The final chapters show how to use the powerful Linux shell to communicate directly with the kernel at the very heart of Linux for total control.

This guide will open the door to the whole new world of digital possibilities using Linux. Ideal for Linux newbies!

Linux in easy steps


Fully illustrated using Linux Mint

Now in its seventh edition, Linux in easy steps explains the Linux environment and how to get more out of this stable, as well as free, operating system. You’ll be able to download, install and customize Linux, and master the desktop, in no time. Then, explore the key Linux apps, including: T

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Auteur(s): McGrath, Mike

Editeur: In Easy Steps

Année de Publication: 2021

pages: 196

Langue: Anglais

ISBN: 978-1-84078-937-9

eISBN: 978-1-84078-948-5

Edition: 7

Now in its seventh edition, Linux in easy steps explains the Linux environment and how to get more out of this stable, as well as free, operating system. You’ll be able to download, install and customize Linux, and master the desktop, in no time. Then, explore the key Linux apps, including: T

Now in its seventh edition, Linux in easy steps explains the Linux environment and how to get more out of this stable, as well as free, operating system. You’ll be able to download, install and customize Linux, and master the desktop, in no time. Then, explore the key Linux apps, including:

  • The LibreOffice suite: Writer (word processor), Calc (spreadsheet), Impress (presentation), Draw (drawing tool), and Base (database).
  • Firefox for browsing the web.
  • Thunderbird for exchanging emails.
  • GIMP, Pix, Celluloid, Hypnotix, and Rhythmbox media apps to edit photos and videos and to enjoy music and movies.

The final chapters show how to use the powerful Linux shell to communicate directly with the kernel at the very heart of Linux for total control.

This guide will open the door to the whole new world of digital possibilities using Linux. Ideal for Linux newbies!

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